If You Rent in Sarasota and Are Behind on Rent, Sarasota County Can Help
Sarasota County says Only 20 Percent of eligible renters are Applying for Free Money with their rental assistance program.
If you are Renting and have struggled to keep with your housing and utility bills, help is here from Sarasota County.
Sarasota county’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program has expanded it’s eligibility criteria and has increased the number of months of assistance the program provides to eligible applicants.
The expansion includes a broader definition of COVID-19 impact, as well as, an increase in the maximum number of months of assistance from 15 to 18 months, and an additional $4.1 million allocated to Sarasota County from the American Rescue Plan Act.
Applicants can use the application portal on scgov.net/rent. Applicants who were previously denied for not being affected by COVID-19 will get the chance to continue their application if they qualify under the new eligibility criteria.
Sarasota County Emergency Rental Assistance Program is committed to identifying opportunities to streamline the application process as updated guidance is provided from the U.S. Department of Treasury.
For more information on the Emergency Rental Assistance Program eligibility and required documents, FAQs, and program ambassadors, visit scgov.net/rent or call 941-861-RENT (7368).
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