City of Bradenton asks for Patience, as a Staff Shortage, Impacts Garbage Pick-Up
Patience is being asked for, amid a couple of factors, within the City of Bradenton... A busy time for Garbage, plus staff shortages is causing delays.
The city of Bradenton solid waste division is short 23 workers this week.
Jeannie Roberts, is the communications coordinator, for the City of Bradenton and says the shortages include 13 open positions and four staff members out with COVID-19.
The department, when fully staffed, has 51 employees
A CDL driver shortage plaguing the solid waste industry in many areas across the country caused the city to temporarily reorganize its solid waste collection schedule in July.
Garbage collection has continued on its normal schedule, but the shortage of drivers has made it difficult to consistently cover both yard waste and recycle collections every week.
The city's temporary solution has been to switch every other week between the two. Yard waste will be collected one week, while recycling is picked up the next.
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