Manatee County Schools Surveying Parents on the Idea of "Masked Classrooms"
Do You Have Kids in Manatee County Schools? The School District of Manatee County is Waiting to Hear From You on a Surveying on "Masked Classrooms".
The survey went our earlier this week to all Parents and Guardians. The School District of Manatee County is surveying those of elementary school age students, to see if they would prefer for their child to be in a masked or unmasked classroom.
With no COVID vaccines approved for children under the age of 12, Manatee school officials would like know if there is a large amount of parents that would prefer to remain in a.... face mask environment.
The Manatee School District says that at this point the survey data is strictly for informational purpose. .
The survey will have no impact on the overall policy for Manatee Schools in the fall, which is that masks will be optional.
The survey asks two questions:
1. If your child is 11 years old or younger, do you plan to send your child to school wearing a mask?
2. If yes, would you prefer they be in a classroom setting with other children wearing a face mask/covering, if available?
The survey went out to parents of elementary school students on Monday, July 19, 2021, and they are being asked to respond by Friday, July 23, 2021.
If the Manatee School district were to divvy up classes based on mask preference, there would have to be enough children in each group to justify creating separate classrooms.
Sarasota County Schools may discuss that idea and others at a workshop next week. Their plan now, is to simply make masks optional.
The 2021-22 school year for both Manatee and Sarasota begins on Aug. 10th
More info on Manatee County Schools here:
More info on Sarasota County Schools here:
Photo: Getty Images