North Carolina Garbage Crew and Landfill Workers Go Above and Beyond to Help Search Through a Ton of Trash to Find Woman's Missing Ring
Chuck and Pam Smith, who recently relocated to New Hanover County, said Pam was cleaning the house recently when she realized some of her rings were missing.
Chuck flagged down the Select Recycling Waste Services truck, but crew members Elliott Holliday and Kendrick Grady had already picked up trash from 25 other houses since visiting the Smith residence.
The workers called ahead to the New Hanover County landfill and told workers they had a truckload of trash that they needed to dump out and search through for some missing rings.
Kedar Brunson, who was in charge of the landfill on that day, gathered a crew of about a half dozen workers to help go through the mound of waste from the truck.
The search lasted for hours, finally ending just five minutes before closing time.
In one of the last bags, they found the rings....
The Smiths said they are grateful for all the help recovering the lost rings.
In fact....
New Hanover County praised the sanitation workers.
"Thank you to our incredible #NHCgov Environmental Management team for going above and beyond in service to our community. We are so grateful for you and your limitless commitment to helping others," the county tweeted.