Best Buy Employees Go Way Above And Beyond For Little Boy With Autism
A Mom in Fort Wayne, IN, expressed her loving support and gratitude for the staff at her local Best Buy after they went way above and beyond to make her son's night.
Words cannot express my appreciation for Best Buy and its Fort Wayne store!" Erika Buchholz wrote in a Facebook post.
"Parker’s goal is to someday work at Best Buy. Parker has autism and has always been a huge fan of anything that involves electronics. He loves TVs, DVDs, computers, and everything about the store," she said.
Buchholz said she emailed the store asking if she could buy a shirt from them for Parker to wear on Halloween.
They said yes, but only if they could make a night of it.
Three staff members, Israel Molinar, Jennifer Bau, and Tristan Wilkinson, stood waiting for Parker to arrive.
"When we arrived, they gave Parker his own personal shirt and name tag, and let him pick out whatever he wanted. He then had to scan everything because he was the worker."
Buchholz posted a series of photos and videos to Facebook of the staff helping Parker shop and letting him scan his own item
"Christmas came early for this little boy, and we are forever grateful for the memories made tonight," she said.
See her full post and all her pictures here: