Students at Florida State Virtual Class, Sign Off by Saying "I Love You"
Professor David Branscome at Florida State University has been teaching his ancient mythology class via Zoom to 180 students, this semester.
Recently though, something interesting happened as his class was ending.
Professor Branscome said, that many of his students at the end of the class, would sign off with a "thank you"…but…. a few weeks ago… one of his students, said… "I love you" instead.
A surprised, but happy, Professor Branscome, simply replied: "I love you, too."
Well….Now, his students sign-off each virtual class by saying "I love you."
After that class, the students took to the texting platform GroupMe to plan an "I love you" chain.
They wanted at the conclusion of their next class, for the students to say "I love you" instead of "thank you" when signing off.
Professor Branscome said nothing like this has ever happened in his 13 years of teaching at Florida State University.
Darline Philius, one of the students in the class, said that only a handful of students have their cameras on during the lecture, and… that it can feel lonely with so many blank screens.
Philius posted the heartwarming sign-off “I Love You” videos to TikTok. They have received over 2.5 million views on the social media platform.
Watch the Heartwarming Tik Tok Videos Here: