Little Boy Sent a "Message in a Bottle" to The Tooth Fairy and Got a Reply
His Mom Ashley shared the wonderful letter and gift, The Tooth Fairy sent, her son...
Mom Ashley Hamrick from Tennessee posted the sweet story on Facebook. Her young son, Lucas, was boogie boarding on Myrtle Beach with the family, this past June... when he lost a tooth and it disappeared into the surf.
Ashley then helped her son write a letter to the tooth fairy explaining what happened. They decided to put the letter in a bottle and thrown it in the Atlantic ocean.
Well... both Ashley and Lucas were shocked when a package showed up at the family home months later with a Dayton, Ohio, postmark.
The package contained a letter addressed to Lucas and signed by "The Tooth Fairy."
The letter said...
"I hope you had a fun vacation at the beach! I'm so sorry that you lost your tooth in the surf. I got your message in the bottle, so I wasn't worried about not finding it right away"
"Good news! Mermaids found your tooth and gave it to me! The mermaid wanted you to have this shark tooth to remember your vacation. Brush your teeth 2 times every day to keep them pretty for me. Flossing is good too. Stay safe," the anonymous person wrote.
Ashley said the package also contained a shark tooth necklace for Lucas. She posted those pictures on social media.
The Tooth Fairy decided to remain anonymous.
On Facebook, Mom Asley wrote... "Wish I could find the person who found our #messageinabottle and tell them how appreciative we are of their gift, their kindness & their love to spread tooth fairy cheer".