When electrician John Kinney of Woburn, Massachusetts, visited Gloria Scott's home for a simple light repair, he realized there was much more work to be done.
When he arrived at her house he discovered that the electrical was in very bad shape. Half her lights were out, she had no stove, and her refrigerator was plugged into an extension cord. He fixed her immediate electrical hazards and got her lights and air conditioning on. When all the lights came on, I saw that her ceilings were falling apart, her kitchen sink was broken and outside was no better.
.She has no family, and money is tight.
Kinney returned to her home and started working for free. He also started a Facebook page titled "Nice old lady needs help" where he called on other tradespeople to join him.
See John's "Nice Old Lady Needs Help Facebook Page" ... Where he has posted lots of pictures of all the amazing work they have done for Gloria. https://www.facebook.com/donate/323267782194617/603363003654005/
They've been at it about a month now, putting in all new electrical, all new plumbing, new windows and walls and ceilings. Almost everything is getting replaced, from the back yard lawn to the front porch steps.
John has now launched a Facebook group named "Gloria's Gladiators". It consists of professional tradesmen and volunteers that can be called upon to help out any elderly person in need.
He said he would like to see chapters of Gloria's Gladiators across the country helping seniors in similar circumstances.
Check out the Gloria's Gladiators Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/596650597658579/
Meet John and Gloria in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=pIlDw0z3fXM&feature=emb_logo