Sarasota County Decides to Open Beaches for Essential Activities Only, this Monday, April 27th
Sarasota County has approximately 35 miles of beaches... They will be open for: fishing, biking, running, walking, swimming and surfing, ONLY!
However... you MUST leave your coolers, canopies and chairs at home.
Also not allowed are group activities such as: beach yoga, the drum circle and activities, such as volleyball.
Sarasota County is following a similar track to Jacksonville Beach... they have reopened, with restrictions... ONLY for those who want to walk, bike, swim, or fish.
Other Local Areas have been mixed with their decisions to Open or Close, these areas...
City of Sarasota: Currently has ALL beaches and boat ramps closed...
Manatee County - These Beaches remain closed for now, although ALL county owned boar ramps are open...
In Charlotte County Englewood Beach and Port Charlotte Beach are set to open on Monday, April 27th ...
In Lee County, County Leaders decided Tuesday, April 21st their beaches would remained closed, at this time. They will review that decision, next week.