Durisan is a company in our area and it is tying to keep up with demand for their alcohol-free hand sanitizer
The companyis now making product around the clock, as they've added a third shift to try and keep up with orders.
Durisan's sanitizer is: BZK based, Benzalkonium Chloride-based, instead of alcohol that is their active ingredient,
The CDiControl and Prevention, does recommend using sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol to protect against the coronavirus.
Durisan says scientific research shows their products protect users from bacteria for up to 24 hours.It’s a water-based mist, you spray it on, and you rub it all around. Durisan says, it does not come off, and you’re protected. It’s like a protective glove,
Durisan does also make surface wipes, which they say can kill the coronavirus.
Where can you get them? Durisan products can be found at Walmart, Home Depot and Amazon, but remember... they are working around the clock, to catch up with demand right now.
If you would like to place a direct order, you can call their office at 844-387-4726.
You can also click here for more information.