Garth Brooks stopped by the "Good Morning America" set on Tuesday to discuss his upcoming A&E documentary "Garth Brooks: The Road I'm On," which is set to air on December 2nd and 3rd as part of what the network is calling "Garth Week."
"To see it all kind of put within a period of time on TV it all kind of comes as fast as it did when you were living it," Garth said. "Every artist should get this wonderful treat to get to sit down and look at the things you got to be a part of and enjoy it."
In addition to focusing on his career, the upcoming documentary delves into Garth's family life, and his ex-wife Sandy is even interviewed. Garth says that those personal scenes definitely touched him while watching. "You can't help but sit there and cry and weep, but it's good" he shares. "It's one of those things that once everybody sees it on our side, we're all going to get a lot tighter afterward too because you get to hear things that maybe you've been running too fast to say to each other.