In Food Network hit “Restaurant: Impossible,” celebrity chef Robert Irvine attempts to help struggling restaurants get turned around in just 48 hours. The show’s 12th season, which aired in 2015, featured diner Theresa’s Restaurant in Bradenton. The “Restaurant: Impossible” team is coming back to see how Theresa’s is doing four years later.Theresa’s was featured on a special “ambush” episode — which meant that owner Jodi Boucher had no idea that Irvine and team were going to show up. This time, it’s not a surprise. The episode will be shot next week, and you have a chance to be part of the show. There will be two televised meals filmed as part of the show on Thursday, Sept. 26. They will be held at 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., according to Conners, and reservations can be made by sending an email to
Reservations are first come, first served and by email only; the sender’s full name, cell number, and party size must be included.
Those who are selected will receive a confirmation email. Diners will still be responsible for paying the cost of their bill.
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