Semi-Truck Driver Airlifted After Rollover Crash On Alligator Alley

Broward County, FL - A semi-truck driver sustained serious injuries following a rollover accident on Alligator Alley, leading to an extensive rescue operation and airlift to a local hospital.​

The incident occurred around 7:30 a.m. near Mile Marker 40 on Interstate 75, commonly known as Alligator Alley.

Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue (BSFR) responded to reports of an overturned semi-tractor trailer at the scene

Upon arrival, BSFR crews discovered the approximately 40-year-old male driver trapped inside the cab of the overturned truck, suffering from significant leg injuries.

The driver was heavily entangled within the wreckage, necessitating a complex and prolonged extrication process.

Firefighters provided continuous medical treatment to the driver during the 90-minute rescue operation.

Once freed, he was stabilized and airlifted via BSFR MEDIVAC helicopter to Broward Health Fort Lauderdale as a Level 1 Trauma Alert.

Despite the severity of his injuries, they are not considered life-threatening. ​

The Florida Highway Patrol has assumed responsibility for investigating the cause of the rollover crash.

No other vehicles were reported to be involved, and no additional injuries have been disclosed.

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