Suncoast Firefighters & Paramedics MDA Boot Drive - This Weekend

Here is a list of all the locations, dates and times that Local 2546 Suncoast Professional Firefighters and Paramedics will be out doing this years Boot Drive with 100% of all donations going to MDA.

Friday March 6th / Saturday March 7th / Sunday March 8th 

From 9am-12pm, each day...

You will see Firefighters and their Boots at 10 Different Intersections throughout

Sarasota & Manatee Counties

US 41 and Stickney Pt. Rd.– Sarasota

Clark Rd. and Beneva Rd.– Sarasota

Beneva Rd. and Bee Ridge Rd.– Sarasota

Fruitville Rd. and Honore Ave.- Sarasota

University Pkwy. and Honore Ave. – Sarasota/Bradenton

Manatee Ave and US 301 (1st St)- Bradenton

Cortez Rd. and 14th St. W.– Bradenton

Jacaranda Blvd. and Center Rd. – Venice

Price Ave and Toledo Blade Blvd- NorthPort

Price Ave and Sumter Blvd.– NorthPort

In Charlotte County – Next Weekend

Friday March 13th / Saturday March 14th

From 9am-3pm, each day

You will see Firefighters and their Boots at 5 Different Intersections throughout

Charlotte County

S. McCall Rd. and Gasparilla Rd.

El Jobean Rd. and Toledo Blade Blvd.

Harbor Blvd. and US 41

Taylor Rd. and Jones Loop Rd.

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