Your Next FPL Electric Bill is Going Up. Here is Why

Your Next FPL Electric Bill is Going Up. Here is Why

2022 has seen costs on everything go up.. and here is something each of use everyday, that is also going up. Electric. Yes your cost of energy is going up.

Florida Power & Light customers who paid $101.70 last year for a typical monthly bill of 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity will now be charged $120.67.

The new rates went into effect January 1, 2022.

This change not only accounts for a five-year base rate increase approved by the Florida Public Service Commission in October of 2021, but a $6.82 per month adjustment for rising natural gas prices.

Details on the rate increase agreement, can be found here:

If you or someone you know, is struggling to pay their utility bill from FPL... There may be some resources available to help... those details are here:

Photo: Getty Images

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