The Howlin' Wolf, in New Orleans is Serving 10,000 FREE Meals a Day.
The Howlin’ Wolf is a popular music venue in the French Quarter of New Orleans. It is a place to always gather to listen to music and have a great time.
In the clean-up of Hurricane Ida, the owner of the Howlin’ Wolf -- Howie Kaplan -- has opened it up to serve meals to nearby residents, many of whom still don’t have electricity.
Amazingly, the Howlin’ Wolf is serving about 10,000 meals a day, with local restaurants and markets donating truckloads of food for the cause.
The people in line for food aren't just families who live nearby. The effort is also feeding National Guard troops, police officers and utility workers.
Howie said he’s doing his best to make sure people are taken care of, explaining, “New Orleans is a pretty small town. We all take care of each other.”