Florida Man Arrested on 1st Date, Driving 100 MPH, Trying to Impress Woman

Photo: Sinni,Amanda

Florida Man Arrested on 1st Date, Driving 100 MPH, Trying to Impress Woman

Talk about interesting or bad "first dates".... A Tampa Bay area man on a motorcycle was arrested following a high-speed police chase.... He apparently told cops that he was..... “trying to show off” for his female passenger, with whom he was on a first date.

Police say that Taylor Beverly, 22, ran through a red light Saturday night (8/28/21) while driving a white 2017 Suzuki with a female passenger.

Cops say.... Beverly allegedly looked back and made eye contact with nearby Clearwater Police Department officers as he raced away.

Police then activated their cruiser’s lights and siren and sought to make a traffic stop. But when Beverly “drove well over 100 mph” and began to weave in and out of traffic and run multiple red lights, they broke off the pursuit.

After the cops who initially gave chase alerted other units to be on the lookout for the suspect, Beverly, seen at right, was taken into custody around 10 PM after stopping his motorcycle at an intersection.

After being read his rights, Beverly reportedly confessed and said he was trying to impress his date....

She though.... was not impressed.

The woman told police she was “screaming at him to stop, but he refused.”

Officer Kyle Bingham noted that, it was their first date....

Beverly, who lives in Tampa, was charged with a felony for fleeing cops at high speed with wanton disregard for the safety of others. He was released from the county jail Sunday morning after posting $10,000 bond.

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