You'll Have to Wear a Mask at US National Parks, Even Outside

You'll Have to Wear a Mask at US National Parks, Even Outside

Face Masks are Now Required at all US National Parks, Including at our National Park on the Suncoast, The DeSoto National Memorial Park

On August. 16th, 2021, the US National Park Service (NPS) announced a mask mandate for all visitors, employees, and contractors, whether vaccinated or not.

Face Masks will be required inside all National Park Service buildings and even in crowded outdoor spaces within the parks, effective immediately.

"This requirement will be in effect until further notice and applies to all NPS buildings and public transportation systems," the announcement reads. "It also applies to outdoors spaces where physical distancing cannot be maintained, such as narrow or busy trails and overlooks."

The NPS says this mask mandate is in place in all national park areas, no matter community transmission levels.

"Visitors to national parks are coming from locations across the country, if not across the world. Because of this, and recognizing that the majority of the United States is currently in substantial or high transmission categories, we are implementing a service-wide mask requirement to ensure our staff and visitors' safety," National Park Service Deputy Director Shawn Benge said in a statement.

This includes our very own National Park on the Suncoast, located in Manatee County... The DeSoto National Memorial Park -

DeSoto National Memorial Park

Address: 8300 Desoto Memorial Hwy, Bradenton, FL 34209

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