Pregnant Mom Saves 3 Kids From Drowning In Lake Michigan

Pregnant Mom Saves 3 Kids From Drowning In Lake Michigan

Alyssa Dewitt was on the beach with her kids, when she saw arms waving in the water.

Rip currents had pulled a group of children all under the age of 15 out deeper and deeper into Lake Michigan, and they couldn't get out.

Alyssa described the situation in a Facebook post:

Here’s a story for you to help keep your faith and love for god alive. It’s truly one for the books.

God did his thing today, and he put me exactly where I needed to be, once again.

See, I was not even going to take the kids down to the beach. It was extremely windy earlier, I sat in the driveway for a good 5 minutes with all of us in the van contemplating just staying home. But something told me to go, so we did. Today, I took the kids to the pier side of the beach. We NEVER go to this side. Ever. Today, I felt that this side was best, for whatever reason. You can’t tell me it was “luck” I was there when I was. I was meant to be there.. and I’m so sooo thankful for it.

While the kids and I were there this afternoon, I noticed a pair of hands waving towards me from the water. I immediately got my kids out of the water and ran onto the pier. A group of kids were getting pulled out into the lake and slammed against the pier wall. They could barely keep their heads above water. They were literally drowning in front of my eyes and there was not one person on that side of the beach i could scream to for help. It was empty. I called 911, but I couldn’t hear a thing with the wind and waves so I just prayed they could hear me screaming for help and worked to pull those kids up the side of the pier.

One of those girls looked at me with so much fear in her eyes and told me she was going to die.. I promised her I would not let that happen. I promised her with everything I had in me. Then the adrenaline kicked into high gear and Somehow i did it. I pulled them up the pier wall, with the waves slamming into me and throwing the kids all over the place, pulling with all my might on wet slippery hands, and almost going over the edge myself a few times. I kept my promise, I was going to do whatever I had to do.

I’m beyond thankful I was where I was and that those kids get to live another day.

PLEASE.. stress water safety to your kids. Please. I know those big waves are fun.. and you never expect to find yourself in that situation.. but it can happen so fast. it’s not worth the risk, it’s just not.

I’m loving my babies a little harder tonight, I’m sure those parents are too. God is good

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