Video of a 10-Foot-Long Gator Found Under a Car in Tampa

Video of a 10-Foot-Long Gator Found Under a Car in Tampa

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday (4/6/21) shared video of trappers hauling off the monster reptile. No one, including the gator, was harmed during the process.

The more than 10-foot-long alligator was found beneath a car parked at an apartment complex in Tampa last Wednesday,

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation was called to the complex on March 31st. The caller said there was a pond nearby.

Alligator mating season is upon us.

That means FWC is advising residents to be on alert. If you see an alligator, keep a safe distance and never feed them.

You should keep your pets on a leash and away from the water’s edge, and swim in only designated swimming areas during daylight.

If an alligator does bite you, the FWC says the best thing you can do is fight back by making as much noise as possible and resisting. Hitting, kicking or poking the alligator in its eye may make it let go and retreat. You should then seek immediate medical attention for your bite.

The FWC has a Nuisance Alligator Hotline you can call if you see a gator that appears to be a threat to people, pets or property. The number is 1-866-FWC-GATOR. Nuisance alligators are killed, not relocated.

You can learn more about alligators in Florida and how you can stay safe on the FWC website.

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