Wendy’s Manager Spreads "Love" Through Drive Thru, Putting Many in Tears
A Wendy's manager in Oak Harbor, Washington, wants her customers to know they are loved.
April DiDonna tells her customers in the drive-thru that she loves them. If they say it back, she puts a tally on the wall.
There are 2,549 tallied so far.
It all began on October 3rd, last year when the idea just came to her to tell a customer she loved him.
The customer ended up writing a positive review about it in a survey, so April decided to keep saying it.
One time an elderly woman asked to speak with the voice behind the message. When DiDonna went to the window, she saw the woman crying. When April asked the woman if she was OK and what was wrong, the woman simply thanked her." Thank you for telling me that you loved me," DiDonna said, the customer told DiDonna that her husband had passed away and her brother had recently died. "I don't have anyone to tell me that they love me anymore and there is no one there to give me a hug," April said , as a widow herself and a mother of three boys, asked the woman to pull forward to the store's door. She asked if she could open the car door and then she hugged the woman. "When I gave this woman a hug, she just melted in my arms and she just started crying," DiDonna said. "I told her that if she needs to be told that she's loved to come back, and I'd give her a hug anytime she wanted."