Maverick and Lulu in the Morning

Maverick and Lulu in the Morning

Maverick and Lulu radio morning show on 92.1 CTQ in Sarasota, FloridaFull Bio


Sarasota Schools Allow Kids to Use Preferred Pronoun without Telling Parent

Sarasota Schools Allow Kids to Use Preferred Pronoun without Telling Parent

When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education Bill, he called out six state school districts (one of which is Sarasota County) that has guidelines that deny parental notification on certain issues.

In 2018, the Sarasota school board adopted guidelines allowing students to go by their preferred pronouns – parental notification was not required.

Under the NEW bill signed by the governor, parents would be notified anytime a student wishes to be called by a gender pronoun that differs from their birth sex.

This new law also bans lesson plans on topics of gender identify and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grades.

The Sarasota County School Board says its Student Services Department is reviewing its Gender Diverse Student Guidelines, which can be found here:

In the video below, the Governor discusses the new bill, Sarasota County is mentioned at approximately the1:30 mark, in the video.

Sarasota Schools Allow Kids to Use Preferred Pronoun without Telling Parent

Photo: Getty Images

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