92.1CTQ is hitting the streets of Bradenton for the 2018 Desoto Grand parade on Saturday April 28th.
Each year fans of Maverick and Lulu line the parade route showing us your CTQ, with homemade signs. This year, your sign could win you tickets to see Taylor Swift!
Make a sign showing 92.1CTQ some love, and upload it to social media using the hashtag #CTQ. After the Parade we'll choose one sign at random to win a pair of tickets to see Taylor Swift, coming to Raymond James Stadium on August 14th.
The Desoto Grand Parade is the largest parade in Southwest Florida. Over 200,000 people line the streets of Manatee to view the illuminated floats and catch a glimpse of the newly crowned Queen and Princess. Beads, coins and other fun items are tossed to the crowd throughout the night.
See photos from previous years