Sarasota Co. School Board Discusses Changes to Cameras for Public Comments

Sarasota County School Board Discusses Changes to Cameras for Public Comments

It Appears the Majority of the Sarasota County School Board Wants to Keep Parents Who Address the Board Off of the Video Recordings of Meetings, as Some Board Members Have Said,, Some Parents Are Pandering to the Video Carrera

In a Work session for the Sarasota County School Board on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022. the Board said it will vote on potential change to the public comment section of their future

The conversation centers around, which video camera angle to use during the public comment potion of the Sarasota County school board meetings.

The board recently changed, what is shown on video, as general public speakers faces are now only shown, when they first step up to the podium, then, the camera view changes to the back of their head, showing the school board members faces, and not that of the speaker. This video goes to both the online and school television channel..

School Board Member Brigette Ziegler would like the Board to keep the camera angle on the speaker.

However, School Board Members Shirley Brown and Tom Edwards oppose the speaker, being on camera.

It's too early to tell how the board will vote on this issues, though it appears, this new policy may stay in place.

Stay up to date on all the future Sarasota County School Board Meeting here:

Photo: Getty Images

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