Baby Killed in Single Car Crash on SR 681 near Honore in Osprey
The Florida Highway Patrol says a one car accident, shutdown a portion of State Road 681 in Osprey for hours.
An SUV was traveling south at about 2:20 a.m. on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022. on State Road 681. The vehicle was traveling in the left lane, just south of Honore Avenue.
According to the FHP, the driver, a 26-year-old woman from Sarasota, lost control of the SUV, which then traveled off the roadway, overturned and collided with a tree and fence on the west shoulder of the road. The SUV came to rest on its roof on the west shoulder of the road.
The infant boy died; his 2-year old girl sustained minor injuries; their mother was listed in serious condition.
The Florida Highway Patrol says that no one in the SUV was in a car seat or wearing a seat belt.
The crash remains under investigation
Also - If you or someone you know cannot afford a car seat, please reach out to your local law enforcement agency, very often they have partners, that may be able to provide a car seat to you at little or no cost.